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Financial Markets

1-30 out of 89 results.
Financial MarketsInvestment & Wealth MgmtRecessionsAustralian shares Stock market crashes
‘Buying the dip?’ – ‘Catching Knives’ or ‘Bagging Bargains’? – the Aussie share market experience

Following my story on US market dips, here is the same analysis for the ASX: The Aussie market has had 36 dips of -10% or more since 1920.  Buying the dips still resulted in more 'Knives' than 'Bargains', and below average returns overall, but the outcomes were significantly better than buying the dips in the US market. 83% of dips on our market were led by falls on the US market. Of the few dips that were due to local factors alone, most were 'Bargains'. Where are we now? Will I be buying the dip here as the US boom deflates?  

Ashley Owen Mar 23, 2025 1
RecessionsInternational sharesStock market crashesInvestment & Wealth Mgmt
After the mini-correction, should I ‘Buy the dip?’ - Am I ‘Catching Knives’ or ‘Bagging Bargains’?

The US stock market has had 31 'dips' of -10% or more since 1900. We look at what happened in each case if you 'bought the dip'. In most cases, a 10% dip turned out to be just the start of a much larger fall (further -15% fall on average), and for a much longer period (more than a year of further falls on average). Overall, buying the dip resulted in poor returns over subsequent 1, 3, and 5-year periods, but there were several times when 'buying the dip' led to high returns. Where are we now? How does today's market compare?

Ashley Owen Mar 18, 2025 2
Investment & Wealth MgmtAustralian shares International sharesAsset allocation, portfolio constructionAsset classes, asset class returns
Australia – land of horse & buggy era dinosaur companies. Where is the innovation, growth, renewal?

Most large ASX companies are century-old relics from the horse & buggy era, relying on domestic population growth, oligopoly pricing power, and gobbling up competitors for growth. But most big US companies are from the computer age. In the US it has been a continuous process of innovation, growth, global domination, then renewal, when they are overtaken and replaced by the next round of innovative, founder-led growth companies. How does Australia's horse & buggy era ASX compare to America's growth-and-renewal stock market, on shareholder returns?

Ashley Owen Mar 06, 2025 4
Australian shares Stock market crashesFinancial Markets
ASX down 8 days in a row - Ouch! Do sustained down-runs point to a market correction?

Runs of 8 straight down days are not that uncommon. In fact they occur about 50% more frequently than they statistically should if the market was 'random'.  Long runs of down days were much more common in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. The market has been much smoother (less susceptible to sustained negative sentiment) in recent decades.  Some long down runs were at the start of major corrections, some were in the middle, and some were at the end. But almost all long down runs on the ASX were part of a major market correction.

Ashley Owen Feb 26, 2025
Investment & Wealth MgmtRetirement planningAsset allocation, portfolio constructionAsset classes, asset class returnsInternational sharesBonds
What asset mix will double your money in 10 years? - Let me know your answer!

This relatively simple 10-year goal appears straightforward, but the outcomes seem little more than a coin toss based on when you happen to start.  Using a simple shares/bonds mix is hard enough, but it becomes even more difficult for more complex real-world investment goals. (For under 30s - 'Bitcoin, bro!') (For under 25s - 'Borrow $100 from your mum, create a meme-coin, pump it & dump it, and make a killing in 10 minutes!) 

Ashley Owen Feb 21, 2025 13
Financial MarketsInvestment & Wealth MgmtRetirement planningInflationInternational shares
Inflation Cycles & the US share market – same as Australia, with minor differences explained

The impact of US inflation on US shares has been the same as for Australia in my last story.  Returns are consistently LOWER when inflation is RISING, and consistently HIGHER when inflation is FALLING.  This applies to Nominal returns and even more so to Real returns.  The favourable share market returns over the past 20-30 years were driven largely by declining inflation and interest rates (and the policies that drove them), but that phase is over.  What this means for retirement planning. 

Ashley Owen Feb 16, 2025
Financial MarketsRetirement planningInflationAustralian shares
Inflation Cycles & the Australian share market - the Big picture

Share market returns vary greatly in different inflation conditions. Returns are consistently lower (and below average) when inflation is rising, and consistently higher (and above average) when inflation is falling.  This applies to nominal returns and even more so to 'real' returns after inflation.  If the recent era of declining inflation is over, what comes next? 

Ashley Owen Feb 10, 2025 2
Australian shares International sharesAsset allocation, portfolio constructionRetirement planning
Australia: Highest dividend yields in the world, so why the endless chase for even higher yields?

Australia has, and has had for decades, the highest dividend yielding share market in the world. This delivers enormous benefits to Aussie investors and retirees by eliminating many of the portfolio planning issues and risks faced in other countries. So why the endless yield chase - where so many people fall victim to high-yield traps and scams?

Ashley Owen Feb 04, 2025 4
EconomicsFinancial MarketsInflationInterest ratesAustralian shares International shares
January 2025 snapshot: Trump’s pro-growth agenda boosts shares + ChatGPT’s effort- which is better?

Here's my monthly wrap-up of financial markets for Australian global investors. What moved markets and why? plus I get ChatGPT to write the same report - let me know which is better! OpenAI founder Sam Altman says ai will replace humans in 868 days time - am I worried? 

Ashley Owen Feb 02, 2025 6
International sharesStock storiesInvestment bubbles/busts, cycles
How the ‘Magnificent-7’ stack up – 8 key charts

Just 7 companies make up 19% of the combined value of the entire 15,000 companies listed on world share markets, but they produce just 12% of total world profits, and just 3% of world dividends. They are over-priced on just about every measure, but are they worth it? What justified their astronomical pricing? There is a fairly obvious odd-one-out here - which is it? I have been bullish on US/global shares in portfolios - will this change?  

Ashley Owen Jan 28, 2025 2
Financial MarketsRecessionsInvestment bubbles/busts, cyclesInvestment & Wealth MgmtStock market crashes
Bring on the Trump ‘volatility’! - My Volatility Spike Index separates the calm from the storm

Trump's first term was certainly entertaining, but was it volatile for financial markets? Let's look at facts, not mindless media chatter warning of  'more Trump volatility!', or 'another bumby ride!'. My Volatility Spike Index highlights and compares all volatility spikes since 1970.  

Ashley Owen Jan 21, 2025
Commodities & MiningFinancial MarketsInvestment & Wealth MgmtReal Estate and PropertyAsset allocation, portfolio constructionAsset classes, asset class returnsAustralian shares Investment bubbles/busts, cyclesInternational shares
Quarter-century review: Asset class winners & losers, how things change (and how I got through it)!

How things can change, radically and quickly Booms collapse into busts, winners turn into losers, and prior losers arise from the ashes into new booms My personal journey through it all

Ashley Owen Jan 20, 2025 2
Financial MarketsRecessionsAsset classes, asset class returnsStock market crashesInternational sharesAustralian shares
125 reasons NOT to invest! ‘This time is different’ – or is it?

It's that time of year again - time to review a whole new year of possible threats, risks, and crises that might blow up share markets.  What are the big risks that might spook investors in 2025? How share markets power through even the greatest crises the world has ever faced. 

Ashley Owen Jan 14, 2025 2
Financial MarketsInternational sharesAustralian shares
2024 - another good year for most global share markets - defying predictions of recession & crash

80% of global share markets are up again in 2024 - it's not just US big-tech 'lifting the world'.  That's two great years in a row of great returns - can it last another year?  What were the best and worst share markets in 2024, and why? 

Ashley Owen Dec 30, 2024
Financial MarketsInternational sharesStock market crashesRetirement planning
2020s decade half-time score – US shares: great so far, but expect a decade of pain when boom ends

At the half-way mark for the decade, US shares are doing well above average. The current speculative boom is similar to the 1920s and 1990s - but they were both followed by a decade of NEGATIVE total returns in the 1930s and 2000s when the booms collapsed.  Markets don't crash because or when they're expensive. The current boom may run on for years yet. 

Ashley Owen Dec 23, 2024 9
Australian shares Asset classes, asset class returnsStock market crashesInvestment bubbles/busts, cycles
We're half-way through the 2020s decade! Here's the half-time score check on Aussie shares

The decade half-time score check for the Aussie share market is not that good: Aussie shares are having a below-average decade so far (and below other markets eg the US). It has been below average all decade – after a poor start with the 2020 Covid lockdowns. But all is not lost – some past decades also started out slow but ended up with good full decade returns. There is plenty of time left this decade for the next big speculative boom to lift the share market – history is on our side!    

Ashley Owen Dec 16, 2024
Financial MarketsDebtGovernment – deficits, debtBonds
Who wants to buy US debt? (lend to Uncle Sam?) Most of the world but me! Who’s buying, selling, why?

Just about everyone is rushing in to lend more money to the profligate US government – except China, Russia, Iran (and me). China has dumped $413b of US debt (one third of its peak holdings) since Trump started his trade war in 2018, and accelerated since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But the UK soaked up all of that and more, increasing its holdings by $515b.

Ashley Owen Dec 13, 2024 4
Financial MarketsAsset classes, asset class returnsInternational sharesCrypto
November 2024 snapshot: Trump, Gold, & Bitcoin!

Here is my essential snapshot on global markets for Aussie investors.  The Trump circus continues - and a new era of crony capitalism. Share market up - heading for another cracking year. Interest rates & inflation - down everywhere but here. Gold & Bitcoin shine - but which is better?

Ashley Owen Dec 01, 2024
Real Estate and PropertyInflationInternational shares
House prices -v- other Real Assets part 2: Microsoft & US shares

House prices have soared – but that’s mostly just inflation due to continued debasement of paper money.  Compared to other 'Real Assets', house prices have fallen in value over time.  Case in point: US shares.   

Ashley Owen Nov 15, 2024
Financial MarketsInflationInterest ratesAsset classes, asset class returns
October 2024 snapshot: shares & bonds fall as Trump takes lead in polls

Here’s my snapshot on global markets for Aussie investors – including my Top 5 factors moving markets. What is the big policy difference between Trump and Harris that is moving markets?  Why have gold and bitcoin been the best asset classes this year?  Will the Fed and RBA cut rates this week?  

Ashley Owen Nov 04, 2024
Population, demographics, immigrationInternational sharesSocial & Environmental
Report from the Big Apple on election eve 2024 - to the Barricades!

Having spent the past 18 days travelling around North America, here are my top-10 observations on the election race from New York.  What are Americans saying about the election race and the campaigns?  Barricades are being erected all over New York City – is it in anticipation of civil unrest following the election?

Ashley Owen Oct 30, 2024
CommoditiesStock storiesESG, renewables, climate change
Woodside case study Part 2: Since 1980 – struggling producer to global giant to fossil fuel pariah!

How Woodside went from cash-strapped explorer to global giant and one of Australia’s biggest export earners. Still a wild ride for investors – as a leveraged bet on commodities prices, plus political risks. Despite huge profits and becoming a top-10 ASX company, still struggles to beat the overall market.

Ashley Owen Oct 10, 2024
Commodities & MiningSocial & EnvironmentalCommoditiesStock storiesESG, renewables, climate change
Woodside case study Part 1: 1954 to 1980 – volatile speculative survivor to national hero

Good case study representing the vast majority of ASX listed companies – as a volatile speculative hopeful with no revenues or assets to underpin value. Eventually defied the odds and the elements by actually finding something of enormous value.  But it required extreme patience and perseverance – it holds the record for longest wait for first revenue, first profit, and first dividend of any ASX listed co

Ashley Owen Oct 10, 2024
CommoditiesAustralian shares International sharesWars & military conflictsStock market crashes
World War II & share markets – Part 2 of 2: Through to the end of the War and aftermath

Key points: Australian and US share markets did well overall, despite heavy loss of life and attacks on our home soil. Volatile ride for shareholders, but patient holders ahead. Generally good for shares overall, limited only by war-time controls on profits and share prices.  

Ashley Owen Oct 10, 2024
CommoditiesInternational sharesWars & military conflictsAustralian shares Stock market crashes
World War II & share markets – Part 1 of 2: the Outbreak

War is scary, so it is tempting for investors to panic and race for the exits.  It's important to look beyond the media headlines - knee-jerk, herd-following reactions are usually wrong.  Usually positive for commodities demand, prices, mining shares.

Ashley Owen Oct 10, 2024
Financial MarketsAsset allocation, portfolio constructionAsset classes, asset class returns
3/4 time score check: 2024 - Great returns despite constant 'recession' fear mongering

Here's my 3/4 time score check on asset class returns to September 2024.  Almost all are positive and ahead of inflation.    Most are doing better than their long term average returns.  Which are the best and worst?   How is the end of year shaping up? 

Ashley Owen Oct 05, 2024
Commodities & MiningFinancial MarketsChinaInflationInterest ratesAustralian shares International shares
September 2024 snapshot: Fed’s first rate cut + China stimulus boost markets – is it enough?

Here’s my quick snapshot on global markets for Aussie investors Essential 1-page chart covering share markets, cash rates, bond yields, and FX + my Top 5 factors moving markets

Ashley Owen Oct 01, 2024 4
InflationInterest ratesInternational sharesRecessions
Let the US rate cuts begin! Usually good for shares, but it will NOT be plain sailing!

In rate cut cycles, shares have usually posted higher returns, but also higher volatility The big issue is inflation - has it been solved or will it revive like in past cycles? With monetary policy now being eased, can we rely on Trump or Harris for fiscal restraint to contain inflation?

Ashley Owen Sep 18, 2024
EconomicsFinancial MarketsAustralian economyInflationInterest rates
5 Reasons the RBA is not cutting rates like the rest of the world - Why I'd rather NOT see rate cuts

Several other countries are into their second rate cut already - why hasn't the RBA cut rates yet? Here are 5 fact-based reasons When will we get rate cuts here? Why I am NOT looking foward to rate cuts!

Ashley Owen Sep 14, 2024
Commodities & MiningCommoditiesExports, tradeAustralian shares China
Iron Ore – biggest driver of ASX market returns, profits & dividends – where are we now?

The iron ore price is the biggest driver of ASX market returns, profits and dividends, and the biggest contributor to the wealth of all Australians, but iron ore prices have sunk back below $100, taking the big miners with it. Where are we now in the cycle?  Why I am bearish short term but reasonably bullish longer term.   How I found a 'thousand-bagger' but am no longer invested.  

Ashley Owen Sep 05, 2024 1

“Over the past 20 years, Ashley has been an invaluable assistance to me, as a reliable source of unbelievably strong and interesting data, and many good investment ideas.”

"The depth and quality of Ashley’s research and analysis of investment markets is the best in the business.”

Dr Don Stammer - Australia’s most respected economic writer, commentator, and speaker for the past 40 years, with a distinguished career including the Reserve Bank of Australia, Chief Economist at Deutsche Bank Australia for 21 years, chair of nine ASX companies, plus numerous non-listed and not-for-profit boards. Read more

“What sets Ashley Owen’s analysis apart from investment banks and the financial press is his deep fact-based understanding of long-term financial data, rather than getting caught up on the daily noise over issues that may generate trades or sell newspapers today, but will be irrelevant and misleading two years from now.” 

Hugh Dive, CFA. Chief Investment Officer, Atlas Funds Management, and frequent expert commentator quoted in the AFR.

“Ashley is one of the best writers and thinkers on financial markets in Australia. His unique analysis and research is always fact-based and insightful, not the usual uninformed market noise and waffle that infects the mainstream financial media.”

Graham Hand - Editorial Director of Morningstar Australia, including Founder/Managing Editor of FirstLinks, Australia’s leading newsletter and publishing service on wealth management, superannuation, and personal finance.


“Ashley’s unique fact-based analyses and insights into Australian and global markets are always worth reading. He has an incredibly deep and comprehensive store of financial markets data.”

Chris Cuffe, AO – One of Australia’s best known and most experienced investment managers – former CEO of industry giants Colonial First State, then Challenger Financial; founder and Chair of Australian Philanthropic Services, and Third Link Growth Fund; current/former chair, director and/or investment committee member of numerous funds including UniSuper, Argo Investments, Hearts and Minds Investments, Paul Ramsay Foundation, and many others. Read more.

‘For many years, Ashley has been my go-to source of information and analysis on what’s going on in financial markets and why.’

“Ashley has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the markets – I call him Mr Google!”

Noel Whittaker, AM – Australia’s best-known personal finance writer, columnist, and media commentator for the past three decades. He has written more than 20 books on personal finance, his columns appear in almost every major Australian newspaper, and he appears regularly on radio and TV as an expert on finance and investing. Noel Whittaker AM

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