In addition to publishing my unique analysis and research on, Firstlinks, Morningstar, and numerous other sites and media outlets including national dailies, plus in publications by major institutions (eg RBA), I have also written a few books in my spare time (under the name ‘Ashley Ormond’) for global publisher John Wiley & Sons.
(Why the name ‘Ormond’? Because my first book was about investing for kids, and it was written about my own experience with my own kids, the publisher suggested I write under a pseudonym (pen name) to protect the identities of my kids. They suggested the name ‘Ormond’. That’s why the early books are under the name ‘Ormond’, not ‘Owen’.)
These early books were aimed at a retail audience in Australia. They were featured on TV and radio shows, and appeared on ‘best seller’ lists in Australia, and even included being translated for foreign sales (South Korea).
They are essentially about how ordinary folk can achieve financial independence and security, even if they start out small with little money or knowledge. They contain timeless lessons that are applicable regardless of the current interest rates and economic environment.
My books are NOT like many other personal finance books that are full of vague generalisations like ‘find a good fund manager’, ‘invest in quality companies’, etc. Nor do my books promote any products or tricky get-rich-quick schemes. (in fact the proceeds of the early books went to charity – described in the books).
My books provide readers with very specific details, with dozens of worked examples, and real life case studies. In order to provide this level of specific detail, I held an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFLS 301808) that was licenced to provide financial product advice.
Hit the links to find out more about each book:

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