The Opal card is a pre-paid card that residents of the great State of New South Wales use to pay for mass transport (train, metro, light-rail, bus, ferry tickets) all across the State. NSW is the most populous State in the Commonwealth of Australiam and is twice the size of California, 20% larger than Texas (yes there is something bigger than Texas!)
I live in the ‘Lower North Shore’ region of Sydney, and I use trains, Metro, buses, several times per week, plus ferries & light rail quite often. Brilliant service. Best in Australia. Possibly best in the world.
The problem:
I am now over 60 years of age (groan…), and so, by virtue of my advanced age alone, I am entitled to get a Gold Opal card – which means much cheaper mass transport fares (despite occupying the same space/seat), and my fares are capped at $2.50 per day, regardless of how many trips, or where I travel. Sounds too good to be true. But it’s true.
Unlike most other welfare benefits in Australia, the Gold Opal card is not means tested at all.
Here are the requrements: (https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-for-a-gold-senior-pensioner-opal-card):
- aged 60 or over, or will be turning 60 within 3 weeks
- living in NSW
- an Australian citizen or permanent resident
- not working at all or averaging 20 hours or less a week of paid work across a 12-month period (if applying for a NSW Seniors Card)
The case for ‘Black’ Opal card (normal user-pays fares based on cost, distance travelled) -
Nothing is ‘free’ in life – it is ultimately paid for by other users and tax-payers. Why crucify young, over-burdened tax-payers (like my two kids) when I can afford to pay my own way? Also, Gold Opal symbolises: no longer productive or useful, ‘past it’, a burden on society, 'take pity, I can’t afford to pay my own way'.
The case for ‘Gold’ Opal card (much cheaper fares and max $2.50 per day) -
‘I’ve paid taxes all my life – therefore I am ENTITLED to cheap, tax-payer subsidised travel for the rest of my sorry life!’ (I remember one year in the 1990s when I paid over $1m in tax – that’s more tax than most workers pay in a lifetime...!) I’ve probably funded dozens dole bludgers and pensioners with my taxes. Surely I’ve earned it.
(Either say, school kids who ride for free won’t give up their seat for anyone, Gold, or Black or in a wheelchair or on death’s door. Being seen with a Gold card only invites more sneers of disdain from they/them.)
Appearing to abuse the system invites agro
I remember my great friend Graham Hand (bless his soul) telling me several stories about him being attacked verbally, and once physically, for appearing to abuse the system. Several times he would park his car in a Disabled zone and as soon as he got out of the car, people would come over and start an argument with him, often with finger pointing, chest poking, and a lot of yelling (because he looked perfectly fit and healthy but parked in a Disabled zone).
After many of these incidents he learned to just let them vent their anger, and then he would say calmy: “Yes, that’s all very well, but since you are here, could I ask you to help me get my paraplegic daughter’s wheelchair out of the car? Thanks, and have a nice day!”
I fear I may not have Graham’s patience!
What should I do?
Stick with my Black Opal card, (and pay full fares since I can afford it), or get a Gold Opal card (and be subsidised by workers/tax-payers for the rest of my life) ????
There is a deliberate hint in the wording on the front of the cards (see above) - Black = ‘adult’. Gold = ‘senior/ pensioner’ = somehow no longer a proper ‘adult’. OUCH!
Please let me know. . . . I am genuinely torn. (apologies to Nat Imbruglia. Ok, I’m showing my age. I’ll let myself out…)